I've never been very good at blogging. I start with good intentions but then forget about posting entries.
I'm never sure if I have something interesting to share.
Now,this time, I think it could be different.
Last October I was diagnosed with cancer. Although there was an initial shock after I found out about the tumor, I put myself in reactive mode. After two months of tests and docots appointments I had surgery. Now the tests results formt he pathology reports are in and the results are very good. No more cancer.
It hit me just before the New Year, I was a cancer survivor, With this realization came a period of reevaluation of my life goals and purpose.
Because everything is measured in 5 year survival rates with cancer, I feel like on a "life lease".
What do I do next?
With this soul searching also comes appreciation for the here and now. Hopefully I can share all of this with people who will stumble on my blog.
I forgot to mention I'm the Queen of Typos:)